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Experience the world of Premium Banking Services with Palrisunion Bank.

A full range of banking services

Unlock core banking systems and digitize customer experiences.
Digitize and connect mission-critical banking processes

Secure trust and expertise

You can rely on our dedicated team to provide the know-how you deserve,
backed by knowledge, experience and respect for your assets.

Business Banking at your disposal

No matter which stage your business is in, we can
find the solutions to cover your needs.

Personal Banking

Find the savings account to help you reach your goals.

The best just got better

Convenient banking options for you. Palrisunion Bank clients live beyond the status quo.
We are here to provide financial solutions and business insights.

Simplify your small business banking

Help your company grow with
Palrisunion Bank Business Advantage.

At Palrisunion Bank, we take the hassle out of business checking by keeping the paperwork to a minimum and by giving you personalized customer service.

  • No Monthly Fees
  • Online Banking Options
  • No Transaction Limits
  • Liability Protection
  • Express Deposits
  • Bookkeeping Integrations

Business Premium Savings

Get a safe, secure place to help maximize your savings while retaining a high level of liquidity.

Premium Savings is an account that gives your business the benefits of a current and savings account all in one package and also provides you with a high yield on your savings.

  • No maximum balance
  • Easy access to funds
  • Interest is calculated daily and paid half yearly in arrears
  • Interest rates are variable
  • Online Banking via Business On Line
  • Interest is paid gross without the deduction of tax
  • No notice period or penalties for withdrawals

Keep your money liquid and earn a premium rate

Save money and watch it grow by earning interest on your account balance

Our business money market accounts are a great way to help your business save, whether you're building your balance toward a planned purchase or creating a buffer for unexpected expenses.

  • Free Business Advisory
  • Access To Loans
  • MasterCard/Visa/Verve debit card
  • Internet banking
  • Monthly e-statements
  • Cheque Book
  • Business

    Checking Account

  • Premium

    Savings Account

  • Business

    Money Market

Our Solutions Expand With Your Ideas

Palrisunion Bank clients live beyond the status quo. We are here to provide financial solutions and business insights designed for growing companies. See what happens when vision and passion collide in these personal stories from our clients.

  • Smart Savings

    Earn 1.30% APY on every penny in your account. Now that's smart.

  • Life Insurance

    Ensure your loved ones are financially protected if the unexpected happens.

  • Small Business Loans

    Achieve your business goals with loan solutions from Palrisunion Bank.

4.2K+ Active Card

Yesterday, today
and tomorrow

For life’s choices and changes, we’re by your side with help and guidance. Bank anytime, everywhere with our always on e-channels.

  • e-Banking

  • Easy Money Transfer

  • FDIC insured

Seamless Banking Experience

Our Online Banking Service gives you unrestricted and secure access to your account,
anytime, anywhere on your computer, tablet, smartphones or any mobile device. Welcome to banking on the go!